Over three years, I led the software development effort on the Automated RecoGnition Of Species (ARGOS) project at Michigan Aerospace Corporation, which was built from the ground to production, and is now used by the Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Natural Resources in Michigan.
We iterated through a variety of technology in implementing the architecture, and learned a lot about what technologies are good for what applications. The final form of the application is built on a microserevice architecture and utilizes Python, Vue.js, MongoDB, Kafka, Docker, Nginx, and GraphQL.
My goal for the backend was to keep it as quick and light as possible; features that weren't strictly necessary for the future of the application I cut out judiciously.
I was given control of the application and the team building it which taught me a lot about managing both people and software. I believe that effective small-scale people management can be done as a collaborative effort with the whole team.